pyemaps.display module

class pyemaps.display.DifPlotter

Bases: object

plotControls(emc, ax)
position_fig(x, y)
class pyemaps.display.NBPlot(type=TY_DIF, n=1, name='', bSave=False, cShow=True, bClose=False, layout='individual')

Bases: object

__init__(type=TY_DIF, n=1, name='', bSave=False, cShow=True, bClose=False, layout='individual')
plot(data=(), finished=False)
pyemaps.display.showDif(dpl=None, cShow=True, kShow=True, iShow=True, layout='individual', bSave=False, bClose=False)

Render kinematic diffraction pattern generated by pyemaps.

  • dpl (DPList) – Kinematic difraction pattern object list DPList

  • cShow (bool, optional) – Plot control annotation. True (default): plot the control parameters on lower left corner; False do not plot.

  • kShow (bool) – Whether to display Kikuchi lines.

  • iShow (bool) – Whether to display Miller indexes.

  • layout (str, optional) – layout format. individual (default): plotting one by one, table: plotting in a table of 3 columns

  • bSave (bool) – Whether to save the diplay into a .png image file.

  • bClose (bool, optional) – Whether to close plotting window when finished. Default: False - users must close it.

pyemaps.display.showBloch(bimgs, cShow=True, bColor=False, layout='individual', bSave=False, bClose=False)

Render dynamic diffraction pattern generated by pyemaps.

  • bimgs (BlochImgs) – Optional. Dynamic difraction pattern object list BImgList

  • cShow (bool, optional) – Plot control annotation. True (default): plot the control parameters on lower left corner; False do not plot.

  • bColor (bool) – Optional. Whether to display the image in predefined color map.

  • layout (str, optional) – layout format. individual (default): plotting one by one, table: plotting in a table of 3 columns

  • bSave (bool) – Optional. Whether to save the image into a .im3 image file.

  • bClose (bool, optional) – Whether to close plotting window when finished. Default: False - users must close it.

pyemaps.display.showStereo(slist, name, cShow=True, iShow=False, zLimit=2, layout='individual', bSave=False, bClose=False)

Render stereodiagram generated by pyemaps.

  • slist (list, required) – Stereodiagram output from generateStereo.

  • cShow (bool, optional) – Plot control annotation. True (default): plot the control parameters on lower left corner; False do not plot.

  • iShow (bool, optional) – Whether to display Miller indexes or not.

  • zLimit (int, optional) – Miller indexes cutoff number.

  • layout (str, optional) – layout format. individual (default): plotting one by one in sequence, table: plotting in a table of 3 columns

  • bSave (bool, optional) – Whether to save the image into a .png image file.

  • bClose (bool, optional) – Whether to close plotting window when finished. Default: False - users must close it.


When zlimit is set at 2, it is applied to all elements of each Miller index. For example, (3, 1, 0) will not be rendered.

pyemaps.display.displayXImage(img, fsize=(0, 0), bColor=False, isMask=False, bIndexed=False, iShow=False, ds=None, suptitle='')

Internal stem4d helper function displaying image.


Return type:


pyemaps.display.plot2Powder(pw1, pw2)

plot multiple powder diffraction in one plt plot