pyemaps.display module¶
- class pyemaps.display.DifPlotter¶
- __init__()¶
- savePlot()¶
- terminate()¶
- plotKDif()¶
- plotDDif()¶
- plotControls(emc, ax)¶
- plotStereo()¶
- call_back()¶
- showImage()¶
- position_fig(x, y)¶
- class pyemaps.display.NBPlot(type=TY_DIF, n=1, name='', bSave=False, cShow=True, bClose=False, layout='individual')¶
- __init__(type=TY_DIF, n=1, name='', bSave=False, cShow=True, bClose=False, layout='individual')¶
- plot(data=(), finished=False)¶
- pyemaps.display.showDif(dpl=None, cShow=True, kShow=True, iShow=True, layout='individual', bSave=False, bClose=False)¶
Render kinematic diffraction pattern generated by pyemaps.
- Parameters:
dpl (DPList) – Kinematic difraction pattern object list DPList
cShow (bool, optional) – Plot control annotation. True (default): plot the control parameters on lower left corner; False do not plot.
kShow (bool) – Whether to display Kikuchi lines.
iShow (bool) – Whether to display Miller indexes.
layout (str, optional) – layout format. individual (default): plotting one by one, table: plotting in a table of 3 columns
bSave (bool) – Whether to save the diplay into a .png image file.
bClose (bool, optional) – Whether to close plotting window when finished. Default: False - users must close it.
- pyemaps.display.showBloch(bimgs, cShow=True, bColor=False, layout='individual', bSave=False, bClose=False)¶
Render dynamic diffraction pattern generated by pyemaps.
- Parameters:
bimgs (BlochImgs) – Optional. Dynamic difraction pattern object list BImgList
cShow (bool, optional) – Plot control annotation. True (default): plot the control parameters on lower left corner; False do not plot.
bColor (bool) – Optional. Whether to display the image in predefined color map.
layout (str, optional) – layout format. individual (default): plotting one by one, table: plotting in a table of 3 columns
bSave (bool) – Optional. Whether to save the image into a .im3 image file.
bClose (bool, optional) – Whether to close plotting window when finished. Default: False - users must close it.
- pyemaps.display.showStereo(slist, name, cShow=True, iShow=False, zLimit=2, layout='individual', bSave=False, bClose=False)¶
Render stereodiagram generated by pyemaps.
- Parameters:
slist (list, required) – Stereodiagram output from generateStereo.
cShow (bool, optional) – Plot control annotation. True (default): plot the control parameters on lower left corner; False do not plot.
iShow (bool, optional) – Whether to display Miller indexes or not.
zLimit (int, optional) – Miller indexes cutoff number.
layout (str, optional) – layout format. individual (default): plotting one by one in sequence, table: plotting in a table of 3 columns
bSave (bool, optional) – Whether to save the image into a .png image file.
bClose (bool, optional) – Whether to close plotting window when finished. Default: False - users must close it.
When zlimit is set at 2, it is applied to all elements of each Miller index. For example, (3, 1, 0) will not be rendered.
- pyemaps.display.normalizeImage(img)¶
- pyemaps.display.displayXImage(img, fsize=(0, 0), bColor=False, isMask=False, bIndexed=False, iShow=False, ds=None, suptitle='')¶
Internal stem4d helper function displaying image.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- pyemaps.display.plot2Powder(pw1, pw2, bClose=True)¶
plot two powder diffractions in one matplotlib plot using from the powder diffraction data generated from generatePowder
- Parameters:
pw1 (numpy array, required) – powder diffraction data of an array of 2 x 1000
pw1 – powder diffraction data of an array of 2 x 1000
bClose (Boolean, optional) – boolean value indicating closure of the diffraction powder plot after about 3 seconds desplay.