Getting Started


To use pyEMAPS, first install it using pip:

(.venv) $ pip install pyemaps

where .venv is the python virtual environment.


To prevent conflicts of pyEMAPS dependencies with your existing python libraries, it is recommended that pyEMAPS install in its own python environment such as that with Annaconda or Miniconda.

conda create -n <env-name> python=3.7
conda activate <env-name>
python -m pip install pyemaps

where <env-name> is the name of the new conda environment.

Enviroment Variables

PYEMAPS_DATA environment variable is set to represent pyEMAPS’ data home directory. It provides a central location for organizing your own crystal data, and it is also used for storing your simulation and calculation results.

pyEMAPS searches crystal files in the following order when only file name is provided:

  1. Current working directory.

  2. Data home directory pointed by PYEMAPS_DATA.

For output from pyEMAPS simulations and calculations, the placement order is reversed:

  1. Data home directory pointed by PYEMAPS_DATA if it is set.

  2. Current working directory.

The layout of the pyEMAPS data home directory is as follows:

$(PYEMAPS_DATA)=<local directory>  # pyemaps data home, must have read and write permisions
$(PYEMAPS_DATA)/crystals           # hosts all custom crystal data files (.xtl, .cif)
$(PYEMAPS_DATA)/dif                # location for all kinematic diffraction simulation output
$(PYEMAPS_DATA)/bloch              # location for all Bloch dynamic simulations images output files
$(PYEMAPS_DATA)/stereo             # location for all stereodiagram output files
$(PYEMAPS_DATA)/mxtal              # place for all crystal constructor output files such as *.xyz


The legacy environment variable $(PYEMAPS_CRYSTALS) is still supported if it is set.

License Activation

There is no license requirement for many pf pyEMAPS base features. However, to access its extended features like 4DSTEM, a license activation is required. The activations in pyEMAPS can also be done without internet connection if isolation is desired. Finally, once license is activated, all license checks are offline without requirement for internet connections.

To obtain a pyEMAPS license:

  • Trial license: pyEMAPS has a 7-days trial license that allows users to check out the features without commiting to a pruchase. This license can also be converted or upgraded to production license.

    Use the following command to get the trial license when internet connection is available:

    pyemaps --license trial (-l)
  • License activation token: contact for the 19 character license activation token. This way of activation can be used for both trial and product license activation online or offline.

    pyemaps --license <license token> (-l)

    where <license token> is of format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX here X is an alpha numberic character.

    Contact for obtaining a license activation token.

  • License information: use the following command to find out if a license exists and valid. If so, the license infomation is displayed.

    pyemaps --license info (-l)

Quickstart pyEMAPS

After pyEMAPS installation, run the following to check if the package is installed and setup correctly on your system by verifying the version and other information about the package:

pyemaps --version (-v)
pyemaps --copyright (-c)

A test for pyEMAPS basic kinematic function is also provided:

pyemaps --sample (-s)

All pyEMAPS simulations and calculations start from its Crystal class. To import the class:

from pyemaps import Crystal

Before starting pyEMAPS diffraction simulation, the crystal object must be created and data loaded. The following example creates a si crystal object by loading it from pyEMAPS built-in database for Silicon crystal using from_builtin

from pyemaps import Crystal as cr

si = cr.from_builtin('Silicon')


Pyemaps also provides methods for creating crystal objects from other data sources, including imports from CIF, JSON formatted files. Go to Crystal class for more details.

Once a crystal object is created and loaded, it is ready for simulations and calculations.

Kinematic Diffraction Simulation

from pyemaps import Crystal            #----pyemaps crystal module
from pyemaps import DPList, showDif    #----Helper modules

si = Crystal.from_builtin('Silicon')   #----loading Silicon crystal from builtin database
emc, si_dp = si.generateDP()           #----generate kinematic diffraction pattern
                                       #----emc: associated microscope and
                                       #         simulation control object
                                       #----si_dp: diffraction pattern generated
print(si_dp)                           #----raw representation of kinematic diffraction pattern

dpl = DPList('Silicon')                #----create a diffraction pattern list to hold the results
dpl.add(emc, si_dp)                    #----can add more if desired

showDif(dpl, bClose=False)             #----visual representation of diffraction pattern

Here crystal class method generateDP produces a kinmatic diffraction pattern or DPList (si_dp) using all default control parameters .

Go to generateDP for a complete list of control parameters.

showDif, a method in the pyEMAPS display module visualizes the si_dp diffraction pattern with options controling whether to show Kikuchi lines or Miller Indexes.

Bloch Wave Dynamic Diffraction Simulation

To simplify, we will call this simulation as Bloch or Bloch simulation throughout this help document.

from pyemaps import Crystal as cr        # Crystal class
from pyemaps import BImgList             # Dynamic diffraction image list class
from pyemaps import showBloch            # Builtin visualization helper function

# create a crystal class object and load it with builtin silicon data
c_name = 'Silicon'
si = cr.from_builtin(c_name)

# Generate dynamic diffraction patterns using pyEMAPS' bloch module
# with all other default parameters except sampling

  bloch_imgs_list = si.generateBloch(sampling = 20)

except Exception as e:
  print(f'Error: {e}')

  showBloch(bloch_imgs_list) #grey color map
  showBloch(bloch_imgs_list, bColor=True) #with predefined color map

The crystal method generateBloch starts a Bloch wave dynamic diffraction simulation with the sampling resolution of 20 pixels along the disk radius.

For a complete set of controls and input parameters for the Bloch simulation, go to generateBloch

Pyemaps also provides a helper class BImgList and an image rendering method showBloch in display module visualizing the Bloch simulation results.


To generate multiple images with a specified range of sample thickness and save them in raw image data file. See the description of generateBloch method.

The raw image data file can be imprted into third party visualization tools such as ImageJ and DigitalMicrograph.


To start a Bloch simultion session and retrieve the scattering matrix and other dynamic diffraction session information, see getSCMatrix method between beginBloch and endBloch calls.

To see all crystal names in the pyEMAPS built-in database, call list_all_builtin_crystals:

from pyemaps import Crystal as cr

Current list of built-in crystals in pyEMAPS:

'Aluminium', 'AluminiumOxide', 'Aluminium_FCC', 'BariumTitanate_180k', 'BariumTitanate_270k',
'BariumTitanate_Tetra', 'Boron_Tetra', 'CadmiumSelenide_Hex', 'CadmiumSulfide_Cubic',
'CadmiumSulfide_Hex', 'Chromium_BCC', 'CopperOxide', 'Copper_FCC', 'Cu2O_Cuprite', 'Diamond',
'ErbiumPyrogermanate', 'FePd_Tetra', 'FeS2_Pyrite', 'GalliumAntimonide', 'GalliumArsenide',
'GalliumNitride', 'Germanium', 'Gold_FCC', 'IndiumArsenide', 'LaMnO3', 'LeadZirconateTitanate',
'Li2MnO3', 'limno2', 'NaFeO2', 'Nb3Sn', 'Silicon', 'StrontiumTitanate', 'TelluriumDioxide',
'TinDioxide_RT', 'TitaniumDioxide_Anatase', 'TitaniumDioxide_Rutile', 'TungstenDiselenide',
'VanadiumDioxide_RT', 'ZincOxide', 'Zinc_HCP', 'ZirconiumNitride'

Experimental Diffraction Pattern Indexing

Electron diffraction patterns (DP) indexing is based on the template matching algorithm to compare the acquired DPs to pre-built ones - A DP database generated by pyEMAPS DPGEN module.

In this feature, the crystal orietations and phases are determined from the best match or fit to one of the DP in the pre-generated DP database:

from pyemaps import Crystal as cr
al = cr.from_builtin('Aluminium')
ret, dbfn = al.generateDPDB(emc=EMC(), res, xa, vertices)

will generate a DP datbase for Aluminium crystal. Here vertices is an array of 3 or 4 zone axis indexes that form an enclosed orientation surface area within which the diffraction patterns are generated. The database will be saved in dbfn.

For details of this function go to: generateDPDB

ret, mr, mc =al.loadDPDB(dbfn = dbfn, bShowDBMap=True)

will be loading the database into pyEMAPS’ EDIOM module and ready for DP indexing.

al.importSHExpImage(xifn, bShow=True)

loads the experimental DP file for indexing.

al.indexExpDP(cc                 = 29.0,
              sigma              = 3.0,
              img_center         = (99.923, 99.919),
              rmin               = 10,
              search_box         = 10.0,
              scaling_option     = (1,2),
              filter_threshold   = 0.0,
              peak_threshold     = 0.8)

indexes the loaded DP image file above. See more details of the usage in indexExpDP


Diffraction pattern indexing feature is now in preview. Current limitaion of the preview feature in this free package:

  1. Crystals that are in cubic space group with space numbers of 225.

  2. The experimental DP image sizes are limited 100 up to 512 pixels.

  3. Diffraction database resolution is restricted in range 100 and 300 sampling points.

Again, we appreciate any comments and suggestions for us to improve this feature. Contact us at to send us your thoughts or inquiries for full packages without above restrictions.

Samples code

Sample scripts for exploring pyEMAPS features are available in pyEMAPS’ samples directory.

To copy all sample scripts from pyEMAPS package installation directory to the current working directory, run:

pyemaps -cp

Below is a partial list of sample code:


    shows how kinematic diffraction patterns are generated and rendered with matplotlib pyplot module.


    demonstrates dynamic diffraction simulations by bloch pyemaps module in two modes: normal and large angle CBED.


    calculates and outputs structure factors using CSF pyemaps module.


    calculates and plots electron powder diffraction pattern using Powder pyemaps module.


    plots stereodiagram using Stereo pyemaps module.


    generates a proprietory diffraction database file for aluminium crystal. The database file is to be used with 4DSTEM’s ediom module functions.

  • (license activated features only):

    indexes an experimental diffraction image for aluminium crystal.

  • (license activated features only):

    converts any raw image into pyEMAPS proprietory small header formatted image .

  • (license activated features only):

    generates annular bright and dark fields, as well as a masked image from an experimental image. You must have the example experimental diffraction image named adftest900.im3 in the same directory. The experimental diffraction image can be downloaded from the official Zenodo site.

    Also, the mask image function requires the input mask image file to be pyEMAPS proprietory small header formatted image. See sample code on how to convert your raw mask image input file before using it.

More samples code will be added as more features and releases are available.