pyemaps.fileutils module¶
Fileutils is a helper module in assisting pyemaps file i/o functions. Its methods include reading crystal data files and writing simulation output files.
It also detects pyemaps data home environment variables and directs file i/o accoridng to the rule set in Environment Variables.
- pyemaps.fileutils.find_datahome()¶
- pyemaps.fileutils.auto_fn(cn)¶
Auto-generate file name based on crystal name and time stamp when file is generated from pyemaps simulations.
This can be modified to tune the output to any other specific needs.
- Parameters:
cn (string, required) – A crystal name.
- Returns:
file name composed of crytsal name and time stamp in yyyymmddmmss format
rtype: string
- pyemaps.fileutils.find_pyemaps_datahome(home_type='crystals')¶
Detects enviroment variable set by PYEMAPS_DATA and return the diretcory set by the variable or return current working directory.
- Parameters:
home_type (string, optional) – Type of home directory
- Returns:
data home path.
- Return type:
Folder names depending by home_type input:
crystals: all crystal data files.
bloch: all dynamic simulation output files.
mxtal: all .xyz files saved from crystal constructor.
stereo: all .png files saved from stereodiagram plotting methods
- pyemaps.fileutils.compose_ofn(fn, name, ty='diffraction')¶
Compose output file name based file name and file type.
- pyemaps.fileutils.loadCrystalCIFData(fn)¶
Reads a .cif file for crystal data.
- Parameters:
fn – cif file name
- Type:
string, required
- Returns:
tuple of crystal name and crystal data as dict object
- Return type:
This method is still in active development.
- pyemaps.fileutils.loadCrystalData(fn, cn=None)¶
Reading built-in datbase or a .xtl file for crystal data.
- Parameters:
fn – XTL formatted Crystal file name
cn – Crystal name
- Type:
string, required
- Type:
string, optional
- Returns:
tuple of crystal name and crystal data as dict object
- Return type: