pyemaps.emcontrols module

There are two controls classes this module defines: microscope controls and simulations controls.

Since the latter changes much less frequently than the former, simulation control is embedded as a member of a microscope controls class.

Simulation Control Constants and Default Values:

pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_EXCITATION = (0.3, 2.0)
pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_GMAX = 3.5
pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_BMIN = 0.1
pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_INTENSITY = (0.0, 5)
pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_GCTL = 6.0
pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_ZCTL = 5.0
pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_OMEGA = 10
pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_SAMPLING = 8
pyemaps.emcontrols.SAMPLE_THICKNESS = (200, 200, 100)

Microscope Control Constants and Default Values:

pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_TILT = (0.0, 0.0)
pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_ZONE = (0, 0, 1)
pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_DEFL = (0.0, 0.0)
pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_KV = 200.0
pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_CL = 1000.0
pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_APERTURE = 1.0
pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_XAXIS = (0, 0, 0)
pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_PIXSIZE = 25
pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_DETSIZE = 512
pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_MODE = 1
pyemaps.emcontrols.DEF_CBED_DSIZE = 0.16 
class pyemaps.emcontrols.SIMControl(excitation=DEF_SIMC['excitation'], gmax=DEF_SIMC['gmax'], bmin=DEF_SIMC['bmin'], intensity=DEF_SIMC['intensity'], gctl=DEF_SIMC['gctl'], zctl=DEF_SIMC['zctl'])

Bases: object

Simulation controls, to be embedded in EMControl

__init__(excitation=DEF_SIMC['excitation'], gmax=DEF_SIMC['gmax'], bmin=DEF_SIMC['bmin'], intensity=DEF_SIMC['intensity'], gctl=DEF_SIMC['gctl'], zctl=DEF_SIMC['zctl'])
property excitation

Excitation error range in (min, max)

property gmax

Maximum recipricol vector length

property bmin

Beta perturbation cutoff

property intensity

Kinematic diffraction intensity cutoff level and scale in (level, scale)

property gctl

Maximum index number for g-list

property zctl

Maximum zone or Miller index number

property omega

Diagnization cutoff value

property sampling

Number of sampling points

property sth

Samples thickness


Format simulation controls in builtin display functions Only plot those parameter that are not defaults

classmethod from_random()

For backward compatibility only

class pyemaps.emcontrols.EMControl(tilt=DEF_TILT, zone=DEF_ZONE, defl=DEF_DEFL, vt=DEF_KV, cl=DEF_CL, simc=SIMControl())

Bases: object

Microscope and sample property controls class. Its attributes include:

  • tilt: sample tilt in x and y directory (x,y)

  • zone: starting zone axis

  • defl: shifts in x and y direction (x, y)

  • cl: cameral length

  • vt: hight voltage in kilo-volts

  • **simc*: SIMControl object

Other optional emcontrol parameters:

  • aperture: Objective len aperture

  • pix_size: detector pixel size

  • det_size: detector size

  • xaxis: crystal horizontal axis in reciprical space

  • mode: simulation mode: 1- normal, 2-CBED

  • dsize: diffracted beam size

__init__(tilt=DEF_TILT, zone=DEF_ZONE, defl=DEF_DEFL, vt=DEF_KV, cl=DEF_CL, simc=SIMControl())
classmethod from_dict(emc_dict)

Create an EMControl object from a python dict object


emc_dict (dict, required) – Microscope control dict object


EMCError, if validation fails

property zone

Starting zone axis

property tilt

Tilt in x and y directions (x,y)

property defl

Shifts in x and y directions (x, y)

property cl

Camera length

property vt

High voltage

property xaxis

Crystal horizontal axis in reciprical space

property simc

Simulation Controls

property aperture

Objective lense aperture

property pix_size

Detector pixel size in microns

property det_size

Detector size in microns

property mode

Simulation mode

property dsize

Diffracted beam size


Format simulation controls in builtin display functions Only plot those parameter that are not defaults

static def_dict()